Hai-Wen Lin
Hai-Wen Lin is a Taiwanese-American artist based somewhere between the earth and sky. Their work explores constructions of the body and the attunement of one’s self to the environment, often working through metaphor, etymologies, sunlight, wind, and the way time passes perfectly when you are out walking on a beautiful day. Lin is an alumnus of the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture and earned a M.Des in Fashion, Body and Garment from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. They are one of the American Craft Council’s 2024 Emerging Artists, a 2023 CFDA Fashion Future Graduate, and are a recipient of the Hopper Prize and fellowships from MacDowell, Vermont Studio Center, Lighthouse Works, and the Ox-Bow School of Art. Lin has exhibited work at the Chinese American Museum of Chicago, the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles, the Pittsburgh Glass Center, the walls of their home, their friend’s home, on a plate, on a lake, on their body, in the sky.
Contemporary Arts
724 S. 12th Street
Omaha, NE 68102