Anthony Peyton Young
Anthony Peyton Young is a Boston-based artist born and raised in Charleston, WV. Working primarily in painting, drawing, and collage, Young’s work explores identity, ancestry, and memorialization with heavy influences from Black Americana, film, and his home state West Virginia. His most recent series is compound portraits of Black bodies. Combining images of contemptible collectible memorabilia, historical photographs, as well as black archetypes from literature and film, the work investigates fabrications and false conceptions, and honors the many men, women, and children who have lost their lives to racial discrimination. In previous work, Young uses portraiture as a tool to memorialize the numerous unarmed victims who have passed, their names all too often forgotten. These works incorporate symbolic materials such as bleach and gunpowder to challenge common notions about the black body that are branded into the black psyche and explore the power of cultural imprinting delivered by family, friends, the media, and more violent, destructive means including policing and incarceration.
Young earned his B.A. from West Virginia State University and his M.F.A. from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts/Tufts University. Young has won awards such as the School of the Museum of Fine Arts/Tufts University Traveling Fellowship and the Walter Feldman Fellowship for Emerging Artist. His work is included in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston and Juliette Art Museum. He has also been featured in publications such as Gay Letter Magazine, Evergreen Review, and The Boston Globe. Young has presented his work at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Harvard’s Black Portraiture Conference.

Contemporary Arts
724 S. 12th Street
Omaha, NE 68102